Saturday, October 11, 2014

What not to do in Taiwan

What not to do in Taiwan.

Taiwan is a cool place but there are plenty of things not to do.  Most of it is common sense stuff or stuff that will be forgiven because you are a foreigner, but it's important anyways.

(1) Do drugs

That states are slowly decriminalizing or legalizing marijuana. Taiwan takes a very draconian approach. I have a friend who was caught with a small quantity of hash -- most people are immediately kicked out of the country, but since he was in the middle of a Master's program they let him stay to complete it. The guy who sold him the hash wasn't so luckily and is now facing seven years in a Taiwanese prison because of it. Listen doing drugs is always a stupid idea, but doing them in Taiwan is incredibly stupid. Don't do it, and if you find out your friend is doing it -- slowly dissociate yourself from them.

(2) Overstay your visa

Taiwan is such a great place some people overstay their visa. It sounds all wonderful at first because you think to yourself "how long will I be here anyway?" so you overstay your visa to pay some sort of fee later on. Yet, what you really did is screwed up yourself if something unexpected happens. I have a friend who came to Taiwan to teach and make some extra money. He was annoyed with going to Vietnam and such for his visa so he decided to overstay. Slowly but surely life grows it's roots around you and Taiwan becomes your home. You find someone you love, got a great apartment and a wonderful teaching job. You don't want to leave. Yet, your friends are going to Thailand on an awesome trip and you want to go. Well, too bad because if you go to Thailand you won't be able to go back to Taiwan because you overstayed last time. Got a family member who is sick? If you go back to the US you'll be able to spend time with them but your life in Taiwan is over.

Don't overstay your visa.

(3) Date everyone you see

If you are a guy, Taiwan can be a very nice place. Lots of guys there punch above their body weight and find great girls. (Western women tend to have a harder time in Taiwan) Yet, a good portion of Taiwanese women who are attracted to foreigners are not the best of stock (same is very true in the reverse.) Lots of Taiwanese women seem like ten years behind in the dating scene and don't take break ups well. I have had friends who breakup with their girlfriend only to have them harass them at work or with immigration have the break up. One guy decided to "fake marry" his Taiwanese girlfriend in order to get a Taiwanese green card. It ended very poorly when she decided their was nothing fake about their marriage at all decided to harass him out of the country.

Lots of the stuff above is common sense but sometimes when you are in a new country your common sense goes out the window. Enjoy your time in Taiwan but keep your head level.

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